Child Passenger Safety
What California Law Says
All children under two years old must ride in a rear-facing car seat, unless the child weighs 40 or more pounds OR is 40 or more inches tall.
Children under the age of 8 are required to be secured in a car or booster seat. Children who are 8 years old OR at least 4’9” may be secured by a booster seat, but at minimum wear a seat belt.
Choosing A Car Seat

Keep your child in rear and forward-facing seats as long as possible. Do not rush to move a child into a booster seat before they are ready. Booster seats are recommended until a child reaches a height of 4’9”.
All children 13 and under should ride in the back seat. To learn more about finding and using the correct car seat, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website.
Children under the age of 8 are required to be secured in a car or booster seat. Children who are 8 years old OR at least 4’9” may be secured by a booster seat, but at minimum wear a seat belt.