It’s a busy world out there, and we’re all in this together.
“Go Safely, California” is an education program from the California Office of Traffic Safety and Caltrans that promotes a safety culture where everyone will “go safely.” Through year-round education campaigns, informational resources and tips, Go Safely, California helps the public make smart, informed choices about how to stay safe on the go.
Transportation is about people, and the road is shared with bicyclists, drivers, and pedestrians. Some walk, some bike, and many of us drive. Let’s be the best versions of ourselves on the road, especially if we are in the car. Bicyclists and pedestrians need drivers to be safe to keep them safe. And drivers need those around them to exercise care. Share the road. Share the responsibility. Letʼs look out for one another.
Drivers, Share the Road.
- Follow the speed limit.
- Slow down at intersections.
- Give pedestrians a brake at crosswalks and unmarked corners. Be prepared to stop and let them cross.
- Be extra careful in less-than-ideal driving conditions such as in the dark, foggy or rainy weather.
- Respect bicyclists and give them space when passing. As of Jan. 1, 2023, California law now requires drivers to change a lane, when possible, to pass bicyclists.
- If there is not enough room to pass a bicyclist, be patient and wait until it’s safe.

Stephanie Dougherty
CA Office of Traffic Safety

Tony Tavares
Visit Caltrans Director’s Profile